Get the app reports on Yoodlize’s “super hack” mobile marketing strategy
Mar 25, 2024

Companies are going mobile, and we don’t mean on their phones.
Many are taking to the road to drum up sales, create brand awareness and overcome consumer skepticism. It’s a time-honored tactic long used to educate customers and, in more modern times, create viral marketing moments.
Yoodlize is no stranger to mobile marketing, as evidenced by its two bright blue retrofitted school buses that roam around its key markets of California and Utah. writer Sydney Sladovnik wrote about them in her article “Why Are So Many Brands Hitting the Road This Year?”:
"For Orem, Utah-based Yoodlize, an equipment rental marketplace platform, working out of a converted school bus is not only great for passive marketing -- it also really cuts down on brick-and-mortar overhead, and serves as a great strategy for reaching new customers.
"CEO Jason Fairbourne and his wife, Yoodlize co-founder Natalie Fairbourne, retrofitted a vintage school bus to serve as both a home and mobile marketing billboard, so they could break into the California marketplace in 2023 after running the business out of their home in Utah for four years. A record-breaking 400 Yoodlize accounts were created between September and December while they lived in and drove the bus around the state.
"The Fairbournes renovated the inside themselves, renting all the needed equipment through Yoodlize. They'll work out of the bus for a few weeks at a time by leasing spots on the corners of busy intersections, for $500 a month, on average. For that month, they'll invite fellow entrepreneurs to join them on the bus roof, which has been converted into a deck with bistro lights, tables, and chairs, for pizza nights or networking events. They'll also drive around town and park outside of local events -- such as San Francisco 49ers games -- to gain exposure and give locals an opportunity to download the Yoodlize app by scanning a QR code on the side of the bus.

"Now with one bus in California and a second in Utah, Jason calls the buses a 'super hack,' because they work as a marketing strategy no matter where they are. 'Even though it's passive, it stands out and it catches people's attention,' he adds, noting that influencers, professionals, and fellow founders will knock on the door to chat regardless of whether or not an event is happening. They'll be back in California for a few weeks to attend the Climate Tech Conference in April, and raise a second round of funding for the app -- so California locals, don't be surprised if you see a bright blue bus parked outside of an investment firm this spring."